Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monkey No Do

This was his first costume...he really didn't want to wear it.
The monkey jacket looked like it was itchy and scratchy...
Aaron doesn't like things on his head or have long sleeves either

I had to take pictures of his sad face! It was so funny! I know, I'm mean.

But he was much happier when I took off the monkey jacket. Look closely or click to enlarge but you can totally see that he had tears in his eyes!!


  1. Carol,
    I think he makes a cute monkey! I love the big tears in the eyes too! We are such mean parents to want to dress our kids up, aren't we?!

  2. I saw your video on America's Funniest Home Videos! I jumped up at Kelsey and said "Hey, that's Carol's baby!!!" Then I proceeded to tell my parents and they were going nuts too!...hahahaha!

  3. I know he's sad, but those are such cute pictures! Isn't it great when our little boys come home w/ candy for us? ;) I can't wait to hear how his 1 Year Old Big Bash went.
